News Page

Facebook Feed


We have added a feedback page to the website, so if anyone has any suggestions for us or feels the need to rant about anything without giving away their identity, they can now do it. It’s private and anonymous, the message will be delivered to Averlea management with no one else seeing it and no details of their identity. Click Here to try it. 😉

Averlea cannot identify anyone sending feedback, so no one will know who you are!

Facebook Portal

Averlea now has a Facebook Portal, giving residents the ability to speak to their families face to face, in a manner of speaking. The Portal is connected using the WhatsApp mobile phone app, and can be moved around freely for whoever would like to use it.
We all know that screen time with family is no substitute for meeting in person, but we feel that the Portal is a step in the right direction.

For more information on setting up WhatsApp and using the Facebook Portal, please CLICK HERE